Please note, this workshop has been cancelled. As schools continue to struggle with CRT shortages, we are experiencing lower than usual registrations for face-to-face events.
This day is part of a series of hackathons for STEM and Digital Technologies teachers. (See also Prototyping with cardboard and code: Years 5-10, 26 Aug.)
This event focuses on robotics tools and projects in Primary Years, from Dash and Dot to LEGO, micro:bit and Hummingbird.
How can teachers make the most of these powerful tools to challenge students' design thinking and coding skills, getting beyond the step-by-step instructions that come with the kit?
At each hackathon, participants are invited to bring along hardware and examples from their own schools to share. The day includes a presentation, a team challenge and opportunities for networking.
Who Should Attend?
Standard hackathon day outline
- 9:30am Welcome and connect time
- 10:00am Presentation on classroom technology, pedagogy and/or project from teacher or expert
- 10:45am Networking, resource and expertise sharing + Morning Tea
- 11:30am Team challenge introduction and planning session
- 12:30pm Lunch
- 1:15pm Work on team challenge
- 3:00pm Demonstrations and show-and-tell
About the facilitators
Allen Dickson is an educator with a passion for ensuring learning is innovative, practical and enjoyable. A teacher for nearly 30 years, he has combined classroom teaching with presenting professional development (Pearson, Oxford, CSA) and educational consultancy. Specialising in Digital Technologies and in extending and challenging gifted learners, Allen is the Victorian program coordinator for G.A.T.E.WAYS. Heavily involved in advising schools in establishing STEM programs, Allen also coordinated the BHCS Partnership Project which resourced developing schools (in Australia and Asia) and guided them through accreditation and program implementation. Allen’s diverse skills have seen him connecting organisations from LEGO to World Vision with educational initiatives, and he runs his own educational consultancy – RethinkPD – where he speaks on a range of specialist issues both in schools and at conferences around the country.
Nathan Alison taught Digital Technologies, VCE Computing and Software Development in Victoria for 11 years before beginning work for DLTV. He brings a background in Computer Systems Engineering and years of hobby coding, as well as a keen desire to help teachers with more complex Computer Science concepts through clear explanations and relevant activities.
APST standards addressed in this workshop:

Digital Technologies curriculum strands addressed:

COVID-safe notice
DLTV follows up-to-date state government health recommendations for all face-to-face events.
- Social distancing is in place, as required.
- We supply hand sanitiser and facemasks (if required).
- All surfaces are cleaned and sanitised before and after events.
- Records of all attendees and contact details are retained for contact purposes.
If you have any concerns or questions about an event, please contact us.
This event is funded by Google Educator PD grants.