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The Journal of Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria is an excellent forum for sharing examples of professional practice. 

Drop us a line to submit an article idea for an upcoming edition. Send an email to our editors ( with a brief outline of your proposed article, and your contact details. Our editors will be in touch to discuss.


The DLTV journal publishes contributions on the practice and theory of teaching and learning with and about digital technologies. Our audience includes educators spanning  kindergarten, primary, secondary and tertiary education.

We welcome contributions on:

  • classroom implementation

  • digital technology resources

  • teaching ideas

  • conferences and events

  • articles about broader digital technology trends such as STEM, Artificial Intelligence or Augmented Reality, for example.

Examples of the articles formats that we seek  

  • expositions

  • Interviews

  • report

  • reviews

  • reflections

The editorial team will provide broad feedback about submissions to guide contributors or changes to fit current or future issues.


Our journal editors will be there help you through the process of putting together your article.
Some things to remember as you write:

  • Keep your writing clear and concise, avoiding repetition or embellishment. Please use Australian or UK spelling. You are welcome to use common abbreviations but please include a definition the first time you use them.
  • The article should be information based. It should not contain advertorial content or third-party attributions that promote a particular project, service or seek commercial gain without an advance agreement or licence. We reserve the right to edit articles to help readers distinguish between news, editorial and commercial messages. 
  • All articles should be sent through in plain text format. Don't include pictures or formatting in the document. 
  • You may include notes for the designer. Do this by adding asterisks at the start and end of the message. For example, you might provide a note such as *Include Picture 1 here, Caption text: A network map* You can also provide notes and image details in a separate text file if you'd prefer.
  • Photographs and images should be a minimum of 300DPI.  A general rule of thumb is that a JPG file of 2MB or more is sufficient.  Pictures must be submitted in JPG format. 
  • Name and number each picture in order they should appear in the article e.g. Picture 1, Picture 2. 
  • Remember that you must own the rights to reproduce images. Please provide as much information as possible so our editors can ensure images can be used correctly (creator, source, date etc). If you include photographs of students please ensure you have guardian/parental permission.
  • Please provide a photograph and brief biography of each author (up to 50 words). 
  • Referencing and citations should be done in APA 6th format. In-text citations should include author name and year i.e (Fletcher & Bullock, 2015).  Take a look at this article from a previous journal for examples of referencing, and visit this handy guide to APA referencing from CSU Library for more help. This cheat sheet and infographic on APA is also a handy resource. 


Roland Gesthuizen

Roland has an active interest in the development of online learning communities, open education and software freedom. He is a social-media evangelist who enjoys teaching information technology and science at a DEECD school in Melbourne, Australia. As a GLOBE trained teacher his work spans a range of environmental issues using blended learning to bridge Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths. Over the past two decades he has presented and published at ISTE, ACEC, VITTA and ICTEV conferences and groups. He is a recipient of the 2010 ACCE Educator of the year Award and 2012 ISTE Making IT Happen Award. 

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